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Implementing Blended Learning
“ You can’t teach today the same way you did yesterday to prepare student for tomorrow” John Dewey
The Blended Learning Strategies are taught fully online, and it is by providing different models. Faculty are provided with various tools to develop a course design for their blended class. In addition, there are face-to-face meetings where faculty present and share ideas regarding their course designs. The face-to-face session is designed to complement the online discussions and activities, thus engaging faculty in a blended learning experience.
The choice of blended is very successful for
learners who are interested in a second language! Learners who live in the most intensely stimulating period on earth are receiving information from every platform: Computer, Chromebook, iPad and iPhone. Learners whose curiosity come first, and their first tool of learning is asking questions, practicing through reflection. A learner who has a good idea and wants a better idea, who is creative and innovative to have blended learning.
How are you going to implement Blended Learning in your course?
I am Looking to implement Blended Learning with an online module to my Second Language Learning program, using a core set of web applications such as Gmail, Docs, Spreadsheet, Calendar, Contact, G talk, Google wave, video, and sites are wonderful to have a teaching partner who could generate exciting ideas for lessons, help deliver instruction, reinforce students' classroom, engage a student in higher-level thinking and it can be anywhere or any time.
Some tools that are needed to teach online to help with social presence, supportive discourse and cognitive presence. Social presence is (live chat), Supportive discourse(Discussion Board) which is called asynchronous and Cognitive presence such as (quiz tools)! Tools like that will help learners to engage in difficult content, literary theory, and to facilitate their learning of often complex concepts.
Some of the tools are helpful with critical vocabulary and abstract ideas. I see some of the online tools thoughtfully integrated into the face-to-face classroom, using three tools tandem online quizzes, online discussion board topics and postings, and a Wiki to facilitate student learning. This layering of tools functioned to enhance student learning of content as well as skills in a rigorous and supportive environment.
A Literary study, designed by Shari Evans, Associate professor of English. Here, Evans discusses how her blended course design focused on building student critical reading and thinking skills.
A critical learning objective of most literature courses is to increase students' skills in critical reading, writing, and thinking while they learn to engage and interpret literature.
Discussion or chatting boards develop critical reading and writing skills, by developing close reading skills, developing analytical skills, using specific quotes.
Online tools had a positive impact on student learning because they gave students new ways to collaborate with each other in their learning. Online learning created a place in which they could work together. Participating and engagement produce a collective understanding of the target language. Vocabulary building goes beyond sharing of conversation to a new language.New knowlege is generated through collaborative exchanges in which learners explorem, test, and refine ideas held in public and private.
What Digital resources will be included in your plan?
Tools to meet the needs of every student (Boni Hamilton)
Digital resources always need Planning, acting, developing, and reflecting.
So, my plan is to use edshelf; it is a great tool that helps you organize your digital resources that you are using in one place. Video Script is a unique way to create engaging animated videos quickly and easily. Screencast-O-Matic; It is a fast free screen recording and your can share the screen recording. Kahoot; Is a based game classroom.
Mondely; it is an app that helps the learner practice the target language by listening and speaking. Camtasia; it is a video record.;helps to assign the text, and let the learner read it. Editing; it is for video editing. Audacity: it is a podcast. Hootsuite: it is to schedule and send things on time. Zoom;it is for meeting and partner work. iMovie; is for creating a video.YouTube; is for delivering the recorded video to the; it is for reading.Twitter ok2ask; it is great help for creating a new ideas.
How Instructors should check for understanding and assessments that align with learning goals.
The selection and integration of technologies into a language course is a complex issue and it depends on many factors (Guichon, 2012)
Any online course has a key to success by integrated assessment, both formative and summative, into the actual design of the course. We are not going to forget that online also opened up a broader audience for their work. Students could see their progress and could comment on its strengths and weaknesses.
Feedforward is the formative process of providing educative (Fink,2013) or forward-looking perspectives (Goldsmith,2009&Hattie,2009) that one uses to improve. Feedforward points to opportunities and provides pathways for improvement and growth. The rubric can provide students with concrete, immediate feedback and a path to improving their performance.
Blended learning benefits
Blended learning combines face-to-face instruction and the smart use of advanced digital learning technologies to deliver multiple benefits:
Greater personalization – Enables both advanced and at-risk students to learn at their own level/pace. Simultaneously.
Anytime, anywhere learning – Online instruction, mobile technology, in either a classroom/lab setting or access from remote locations home computer), both during and outside of scheduled classroom periods.
Boosts engagement and confidence – Develops independent learning skills and determination of place and pace to build confidence.
Improves teaching conditions – New tools equip teachers with useful data to help shape appropriate interventions and learning pathways. Personalized learning technology that creates autonomous learning time for students opens up time for teachers to work with individual students and small groups.
What is the connection to your innovation plan?
My innovation plan is to learn a second language and fill the gap through Blended Learning. Online model will be a great option to develop second language learning. It is a great opportunity to use all the digital tools that will develop new language listening, reading, writing and speaking. By planning to put a time of 20 minutes for each rotation, it will make progress in one year for four days a week! Digital tools give a tremendous opportunity for a bilingual to practice learning with a native speaker. The internet has a massive fiction to practice learning anywhere or at any time. It is affordable, effortless and available everywhere. This time of cloud learning helps the student to engage and enhance the learning. In addition, this way of learning helps the teacher to personalize learning and give time for every learner in a different ability to engage.
There are too many challenges to motivate the learner to stay connected with learning thus, it always depends on the learner first. Teacher is not as it used to be. Nowadays, she is a mentor, facilitator who guide the learning and manages the learning and also is not only at Brick and- Morter, but also everywhere and anytime!
‘Head won’t go where the heart hasn’t been (Harapnuick, 2015)
If I use Blended learning with bilingual it will expose easily to the target native language and culture. It will reconnect the people with their mother language! It will enhance and engage the learning with games, fun and projects with their self- base learning. Learning with Choice, ownership and voice through authentic learning will give confidence and passion for what they learn. Online and blended learning experiences can be customized to the student’s needs, providing additional personalized support, more time or acceleration, and catering to learner preferences. For example, learning a second language has different abilities through memorization, visualization, which need help and work at their own pace according to their preferred schedule and in an environment that meets their particular needs.