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Growth mindset can let you take on a new challenge with optimism, you believe that you can get smarter, you are able to share what you’ve learned. And this belief about who you are; your ability; your potential, can make a difference between winning and losing. Benjamin Barber, an eminent political theorist, once said, "don't divide the world into the weak and the strong, or the success and the failure,,,,I divide the world into the learners and non learners.”

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5302 Concept of Educational TECH: Text


I want to share with you my passion for changing the Learning method from traditional classroom to classroom in the clouds. Change is needed in the education system, learning should not be in a seated desk, it should be anywhere, learning should not be in a specific time, it should be any time.


I want to share with you the net works that I follow

 Effective networking can save you time, effort and stress, so knowing how to use it effectively can be a powerful tool for your professional development


 Prepare for the  TOFEL iBT test this test demonstrate your English proficiency . and You'll have access to our full line of official test prep resources                              

 The world's best way to learn a language .It is a website that you can use it to learn different kind of languages

Google translate

This web sit is very useful if you want to translate any language you want. It is good to use it in travelling


The Canvas Network offers free online courses and classes from the world's leading universities


Epic is the leading digital reading platform—built on a collection of 40,000+ popular, high-quality books from 250+ of the world’s best publishers—that safely fuels …

fun online educational games for kids

Toy Theater is a collection of interactive educational games for your elementary classroom. They are all free and are designed to work on desktop computers, tablets and mobile devices. Help spread the word - blog, tweet or add a link to Toy Theater on your site

Practice reading Arabic books

تحتوي على أكثر من 1500 كتاب باللغات العربية والإنكليزية والفرنسية من أفضل دور النّشر العربيّة والعالميّة.

Senior Female Teacher

Global languages

Learning, Your Way

Learning is easier than ever with Global languages. Users can customize the learning process based on their own needs and level of expertise. Our goal is to make it simple and convenient for users to acquire new skills, wherever they are. In a fast-paced world that’s constantly changing, it’s time for you to take learning into your own hands.

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Teacher Helping a Student

About Global languages

An Engaging Learning Resource

Our website was founded with one goal in mind: providing people from all walks of life with an affordable, user-friendly learning platform. Our innovative tutorials give our users the opportunity to expand their horizons and learn new skills - all from the comfort of their own device. Explore our videos and pick the ones that interest you.


Virtual Workshop

This is a summary of your online course. Include an overall description of the class, significant concepts that are taught and any other relevant information that would be helpful for a potential student. It’s also a good idea to mention any specific requirements for materials or time commitment outside of class.

Outdoors Tutoring
Woman Tutoring Child

Remote Class

This is a summary of your online course. Include an overall description of the class, significant concepts that are taught and any other relevant information that would be helpful for a potential student. It’s also a good idea to mention any specific requirements for materials or time commitment outside of class.

Online Course

This is a summary of your online course. Include an overall description of the class, significant concepts that are taught and any other relevant information that would be helpful for a potential student. It’s also a good idea to mention any specific requirements for materials or time commitment outside of class.

Private Tutoring
5302 Concept of Educational TECH: Courses
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